How to Organize Data Protection

How to Organize Data Protection

The organization of your data protection strategy is essential to ensure that you’re following the latest practices and regulations. Implementing a solid plan in place will increase confidence between employees and customers, while helping you avoid costly fines for noncompliance.

A solid plan for data security starts with a thorough inventory of the information in your company. This allows you to categorize information according to type or location, as well as access. Some kinds of information, such as PHI (personal health information) and financial or card information, are more prone to leaking than other types. Then, you can decide on security measures based on the sensitivity and importance of the information.

Also, identify who has access to certain information. This includes employees working at branch offices, contractors who help assist in the operation of your network, as and those who work remotely and utilize devices such as digital copiers, inventory scanners and smartphones. You should consider restricting access to the information that is required for their job, such as keeping credit card information on file only when it is needed.

Check that all your facilities are equipped with cameras that feature motion sensors and night vision that can detect unauthorized access to file servers, archives, or backups. It can also help in catching people who take photos of monitors or whiteboards that contain sensitive information, and in identifying employees who haven’t properly been logged out.

It’s also important to communicate your policies and procedures to everyone in the organization. Help your employees recognize cybersecurity threats such as phishing scams targeting passwords and encourage them to report suspicious activities.

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